Subasta Stamps and Covers of the World


Martes, 19 julio 2022
Primera sesión
10 h | Lotes 1 - 799
Segunda sesión
15 h | Lotes 800 - 1459


14-18 julio 2022
9.30 – 13.00 / 14.30 – 17.30
Sábados y domingos cerrados

Los lotes se pueden recoger a partir del 21 de julio

Lote 608

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: HANNOVER. Mi. 9 (3). 1857. BREMEN to OSTERHOLTZ. Complete folded letter franked with three 1 gr. black on green tied by blue BREMEN cds and lineal RECOMMANDRIT mark, arrival on reverse. FINE and RARE.

Lote 609

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: OLDENBURGO. 1852. 1/30 thaler black on blue, fine example on attractive outer letter sheet to BODTHORN tied by framed and dated NEUENBURG/1-3 handstamp in black, repeated fine strike at right. Scott 1.

Lote 610

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: OLDENBURGO. 1853 (Dec 28). Entire letter to CLOPPENBURG franked by 1852 1/30 thaler black on blue, fine with large margins all round, tied by straight line FRIESOYTHE straight line handstamp in blue and repeated strike alongside. Some contemporary docketing but a rare cover. Signed Calves. Scott 1.

Lote 612

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SAJONIA. 1863 (Aug 29). Cover to VIENNA franked by unusual usage of 1863 1ngr. rose red and postal stationery cut-out 2ngr. blue tied by neat DRESDEN cds´s. Reverse with Vienna arrival cds. Scarce and very attractive cover. Scott 17.

Lote 613

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SAJONIA. 1863. DRESDEN to HELSINGFORS (Finland). 1 ngrs. black on rose and 10 ngr. blue, red boxed RECOMANDIRT mark and diverse rate markings. Rare franking and destination.

Lote 615

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: SAJONIA. 1868. SCHONHEYDA to MADRID (Spain). 3 ngr. chesnut (2), one margin scissors cut. Nice appearance and unusual destination at that time.

Lote 617

ALEMANIA ANTIGUOS ESTADOS: WURTEMBERG. Mi. 28a. 1866. STUTTGART to LONDON. Brown 9 kr. Postal Stationery envelope uprated with 9 kr. brown stamp tied by STUTTGART cds. Fine and RARE franking.

Lote 618

ALEMANIA. 1697 (2 Octubre). GUERRA DE LOS NUEVE AÑOS (Guerra de la Liga de Augsburgo). Carta completa fechada "du Camp de marem". Marca lineal "De L'armee d'alemagne" y porte de "16" sous. Muy rara circulada a finales del siglo XVII.

Lote 619

ALEMANIA. 1734 (22 Abril). GUERRA DE SUCESIÓN DE POLONIA. Carta fechada "Au Camp de Kayserlautern" a AIX (Francia). Marca manuscrita "Ar. de Noailles". El Mariscal de Noailles contactó junto a Berwick en la Campaña de Alemania y tomó el mando de las tropas francesas al morir Berwick en el sitio de Philippsborg. RARÍSIMA y desconocida hasta la fecha.

Lote 620

ALEMANIA. 1853. FRANKFURT a TURIN (Italia). Con etiqueta de Tasa Italiana de 45 cents. + 20 cents = 65 cents y fechador de VERBANO. RARA.

Lote 621

ALEMANIA. 1873. Tiny envelope + original letter to London franked vertical pair 1gr. large shield, cancelled Berlin datestamp. Obverse also bears boxed ´Jnsufficiently/prepaid´ (with a ´J´) + circular-framed ´More to Pay´ and red crayon ´2´, altered to ´3½´ in manuscript. Full Sommer certificate. Very fine.

Lote 622

ALEMANIA. 1873 (Sept 15). Cover to Lucerne, Switzerland franked by 1872 Large Shield 7 kr. blue tied by neat Heidelberg cds. Mailed to the Poste Restante in Lucerne the cover was marked with ´Non Réclamé´ handstamp and in manuscript: ´Aus Heidelberg 15/9, In Luzern 16/9, Returned to Heidelberg 14/2´. Rare and appealing cover. Sommer certificate. Michel 26.

Lote 623

ALEMANIA. 1873. Cover franked with scarce 9Kr lilac brown large shield Eagle (Mi 27b), prepaying the single weight letter rate to France. Stamp tied by framed FRANKFURT A.M. datestamp, and front shows red PD handstamp, plus blue ALLEMAGNE/ERQ. PARIS entry. Reverse bears PARIS A HAVRE ambulant plus LE HAVRE arrival datestamps. A very fine and scarce cover, with 1991 SOMMER certificate.

Lote 624

ALEMANIA. 1882 (June 22). Cover at double rate from GOERLITZ to SAO LUIZ (Paraná Province), struck with GOERLITZ despatch cds in black and endorsed MILITARIA at lower left (the reverse with ´Kgl. 1. Westpr. LDW. Regt. No. 6 / 1 Batallón / 2 Compagnie´ cachet in blue), taxed on arrival with octagonal framed 600 / Rs. handstamp in black. A most unusual cover.

Lote 625

ALEMANIA. 1883 (Sept 22). Germany 5pf. violet stationery card used from BERLIN to HAMBURG, re-addressed on arrival to MALMO (Sweden). On arrival treated as unpaid and charged with Postage Due 3ö. rose carmine and 9ö. orange-yellow tied by MALMO thimble cds's (Sept 24). Scarce and attractive card.

Lote 626

ALEMANIA. 1890 (Sept 9). Cover to FRANCE franked by 1888 2 x 10 pf. carmine tied by DARMSTADT cds´s, readdressed on arrival with Type Sage 5 c. green pair tied by DREUX A BUEIL convoyeur TPO cds, and sent back to MUNICH and GMUNDEN. Attractive redirected cover. Scott 48.

Lote 629

CHINA. Mi. 40 (2), 41, 42, 36. 1911. SHANGHAI a BERLIN. 4 cent. s. 10 pf. rojo (2), 10 cent. s. 20 pf., 20 cents. s. 40 pf. y 1 1/2 dollar s. 3 M. violeta. Carta certificada. Rarísimo franqueo en carta comercial.

Lote 630

KIAO-TCHEU. 1907 (Nov 9). Yacht 4c. red postal stationery card used to Yokohama cancelled by "Tsingtau" cds in black, addressee un-found in Yokohama (Nov 16) and card tagged and forwarded on to Tokyo. A fine and attractive usage.

Lote 631

MARRUECOS. 1894 (Dec 5). 3pf. green postal stationery Newspaper wrapper used from Mogador (Essaouria) to Stuttgart, with manuscript ´Mogador 5/12/94´at left. Up-rated with 1888 3pf. brown and 10pf. carmine tied by framed ´AUS/WEST AFRIKA´ handstamps in black. Rare and unusual usage.

Lote 632

MARRUECOS. 1899 (April 30). Cover bearing embossed 5pf. green (2) used to SAFFI/MOROCCO cancelled by MUNICH despatch cds´s. Oval DEUTSCHE SEEPOST-LINIE-HAMBURG/WESTAFRIKA-IX datestamp on front (May 17) and manuscript ´Züruck...´ (Return to sender) and two line cachet AGENTUR DER WOERMAN LINIE/IN SAFFI in violet. Reverse with German Consulate in Saffi handstamp in violet, Tangier cds and Munich return cds (May 30). A most interesting and very rare mark of the Woerman Linie in Saffi.

Lote 634

MARRUECOS ALEMAN. Mi. 1, 2, 3 (2), 6. 1900. TANGER a MÁLAGA (España). 3 cts., 5 cts., 10 cts. (2) y 60 cts. carta certificada, al dorso llegada.

Lote 635

MARRUECOS ALEMAN. Mi. 7 (2), 10, 11, 13. 1900. SAFFI a ALEMANIA. Carta certificada, precioso franqueo, al dorso llegada.

Lote 637

MARRUECOS ALEMAN. Mi. 8 (2), 11. 1912. TANGER a ALEMANIA. Entero Postal doble de 5 pf. + 5 pf. con franqueo complementario de 5 cts. (2) y 30 cts. Llegada en el frente.

Lote 638

TOGO. 1915. ANECHO a PORTO NOVO (Dahomey). 10 s. 5 pf. verde (2), más sello bisectado para completar la tarifa de 25 pf. Al dorso llegada. RARA. Firma Calves.

Lote 641

ESPAÑA: PREFILATELIA. 1840 (21 Sept.). SANTIAGO a LONDRES. Carta completa circulada por el Correo Británico, marca B.V.C. / VIGO en azul (British Vice Consulate) (PE 21) y tarifa manuscrita de 2/2 sh. RARÍSIMA, solo cinco o seis cartas conocidas.

Lote 643

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1858. LONDON to SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Entire letter, endorsed "p. Persia" and forwarded via New York by GIMBERNAT AND ESCORIANZA/NEW YORK.

Lote 646

GRAN BRETAÑA. 1878 (March 16). Cover from Portsmouth (with full original contents) addressed care of the British Consul in Callao, Peru franked by 1s. green pl. 12 tied by Portsmouth duplex. Reverse with Liverpool transit, and cover re-addressed on arrival in Callao to a Barque working at Eten in the Guano Islands with Peru Postage Due 1874 10c. orange applied as full payment could not be effected from the UK until Peru joined the UPU (1 April 1879). A rare and fine cover. Certificate Karl Albert Louis. SG 150.

Lote 647

ANTIGUA. 1871 (April 27). Illustrated cover (return address) from Antigua via Halifax, Nova Scotia to Bangor, USA with 1867 1d. vermilion tied by ´AO2´ obliterator in black, red manuscript ´1´ in crayon. Struck with straight line ´Due 2 cts.´ in black on arrival. SG 7. BPA certificate (1963).

Lote 648

* ANTIGUA. Sg. 41/51. 1908-17. COMPLETE set. Fine. Stanley Gibbons 285£.

Lote 649

ANTIGUA. 1870. ANTIGUA to ANNOPOLIS (New Scotia). Printed circular franked with 1d. orange tied by A02. Sent via Bermuda and St. Thomas .

Lote 650

AUSTRALIA. Sc. 14(3). 1855. SYDNEY a ESCOCIA. 2 p. azul tira de tres, márgenes muy grandes. Tasada a la llegada con 5. MAGNIFICA.

Lote 652

AUSTRALIA. Sg. 19, 43. 1866. KOORINGA to ENGLAND. 1p. green and 9p. grey lilac. Marked "via Marseilles". Carried on board of the P.& O. ship "Bombay".

Lote 653

AUSTRALIA. 1897. AUSTRALIEN NEW HEBRIDES COMPANY. NEW HEBRIDES to SYDNEY. Envelope franked with a vertical pair 1d. magenta and black private stamps mixed with New South Wales 1/2d. greenish and 2d. blue. RARE mixed franking.

Lote 655

AUSTRALIA. 1939 (July 22). GUINEA Airways Lockheed, VH-AAU, conducted a survey flight from ADELAIDE to DILI (Portuguese Timor) via Darwin and Koepang (Dutch East Indies), and unofficial mails were carried signed by the entire crew and passengers aboard the plane, including the Minister for Civil Aviation (the late Mr J. V. Fairbairn). Official mails were carried to Darwin. Capt. D. G. Cameron in command. VERY RARE, less than five covers known.

Lote 657

BARBADOS. Sg. 27, 52. 1872. BARBADOS to PORTLAND (U.S.A.). Envelope franked with (4d.) lake perf. 14-16 and (1d.) blue perf. 14 1/2 each tied by BARBADOS cds. Manuscript "4" ship rate in red crayon and N.Y. STEAMSHIP / 10 applied on entry. Small opening tear but a charming cover.

Lote 658

BARBADOS. Sg. 89, 91, 93. 1885. BARBADOS to U.S.A. 1/2 d. green, 1 d. red and 2 1/2 d. blue. Arrival on reverse.

Lote 660

HONDURAS BRITANICA. Sg. 50. 1897. BELIZE to PHILADELPHIA. Large envelope O.H.M.S. franked with 15 on 6 on 3 cents blue stamp, tied by BELIZE/BRITISH HONDURAS. Registered cover, flap missing on reverse. A RARE franking. (SG. 700 £).

Lote 661

HONDURAS BRITANICA. 1931 (5 Diciembre). BELIZE to MERIDA (México). FIRST FLIGHT. 3 cts. (6), 2 cts. arrival on reverse. Very rare. Flight only 5 covers carried. (Mu. 15).

Lote 662

BIRMANIA. 1897-1906. COLLECTION of 35 covers/card (one fault) all with INDIA QV frankings tied by fine ´Bridge-type´. Ex. col. D. FILBY (see web).

Lote 664

CANADA. 1812 (June 3). Entire letter written from QUEBEC to OPORTO, originally endorsed ´p. Vine´ and changed to ´p. John´; struck in transit with straight line LISBOA in black and handstruck ´40´ (reis) charge mark. Extremely rare and fine entire.

Lote 665

CANADA. 1833. Transatlantic mail from MONTREAL (text on emigrants in 1752) charged ´8´ and forwarded from New York with boxed French entry PAYS D´OUTREMER PAR LE HAVRE in black. Manuscript ´Il n´y a pour l´ecrivain aucune moyen d´affrachir la lettre plus loin que jusqu´a New York´. Interesting item.

Lote 666

ESPAÑA. 1866. TARRAGONA a MONTREAL (Canadá). Envuelta franqueada con dos 20 cts. lila, mat. R.C. 46, en pago de la tarifa marítima total a Canadá vía barco británico. 5 ctvos. a pagar por la ruta por tierra a Montreal. Extaordinaria y única carta Pre-UPU conocida al interior de Canadá. Ex. colección H. TOASPERN.

Lote 667

CANADA. Sg. 29 (2), 32. 1865. TORONTO. Envelope bearing 1 cent red (2) and 5 cents orange tied by grill cancel and red REGISTERED mark. Flap missing. Fine and attractive cover.

Lote 669

CABO DE BUENA ESPERANZA. 1800-1830. Four letters (one front) with diverse Prephilatelic marks.

Lote 670

CABO DE BUENA ESPERANZA. 1893. CAPE TOWN to GERMANY. 1 d. rose (10), 2 d. brown (4), 4 d. blue and two stamps, 1 penny on 2 d. (2). Registered cover oustanding franking.

Lote 671

CEILAN. Sg. 131, 136. 1896. KANDY to USA. 5 cts. blue postal stationary envelope uprated with 5 cents. and 15 cts. stamps sent registered arrival on reverse.

Lote 672

COOK. Sg. 6/10. 1897. RAROTONGA to SAN FRANCISCO. Envelope franked with 1d., 1 1/2d., 2 1/2d., 5d. and 10d. stamps tied by COOK ISLAND cds. Sent registered via Auckland.

Lote 673

CHIPRE. 1690. Entire letter datalined ´Ca. (Candia) 11 Marzo 1690´ to LIVORNO (Italy). Enclosed ´via di Marseille´. Early cover from the Venturi correspondence.

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